The Inner Alchemy Of Yoga
This Manual is dedicated to all the enlightened ones, to all the
divine protectors, to all of our teachers, to all those to whom we
owe karmic debts, and to all sentient beings in the 6 realms. May
all sentient beings achieve enlightenment instantly through this
manual and through the efforts of those who practice these, and all
enlightened methods.
May all sentient beings from the lower realms be liberated
This manual is intended as a reference and a guide. But remember
one thing; “An ounce of practice is worth a ton of theory!” – Swami
Dear Friend,
Yoga really isn't about stretching. It isn't about stretching "with the
breath," either. You might well ask, "Well then, just what is yoga?"
For tantrika's like us, yoga is a complete science of self transformation
leading inexorably towards the experience of union
with the Absolute.
The experience of union, or samadhi, is the real yoga. I'm sorry
to say, most yoga teachers today have not experienced
spiritual Samadhi, and unless they read this report, they might
Among the rare teachers who have experienced this state of union
or absorption, most accept students under a backwards and (by
today’s standards) abusive economic model. In that feudal
economic model of pre-industrial India, China, and Tibet, you
pay the master's bills, feed him, and protect him for about 30
years, while diligently practicing a few watered-down techniques he
gives you, and then, after 30 years, if he likes you, he gives you
the secrets you could have mastered 25 years before, if shown the
We live in an age of information. Spiritual techniques are the only
ones still stranded in the agrarian age.
For thousands of years, spiritual aspirants have groveled at
the feet of their teachers, begging for scraps of the secret
techniques that will bring them the Realization and abilities of their
masters. No more need for that.
The reports that make up this manual reveal the precious
secrets that yoga books don't even touch on. You see, their
authors are "in the dark" too! "Guru Secrets" gives you all the
information you need, so you can learn at your own speed, not at a
Yoga should give you a stronger, healthier body, clarity of mind,
and, if taught and practiced properly, it should give you the
experience of samadhi. If you've tried yoga and never got anything
more than good stretch and some relaxation, then all you learned
was the external exercises. The ones available in every book at
Barnes and Nobles, Borders, and Amazon Rufus’ underground
expose, "Secrets the Gurus Will Never Show
You," reveals the internal secrets that "plug in" to yoga poses to
hurtle you forward in your development as a practitioner.
With these simple, but closely held secrets, you'll control your
mental state faster, modify your body quicker, and give yourself
more lasting results than with your regular practice alone. You'll
also come to understand why even the paranormal abilities of the
yogis are just the automatic result of a regular, true yoga practice
- with the internal secrets intact, of course! Even if you are a rank
beginner, you will feel the power and simplicity of these secrets