TeleHypnosis Pro Remote Influence Psionics Software
WHAT IS TELE HYPNOSIS Tele Hypnosis is an advanced esoteric program that uses the occult potency of your computer to help you influence people, to get the best out of you, and even to obtain minor magick results. The program is mainly based on radionics, and takes its origin in the ancient Qabalistic Magick.
You can do a lot of things, for example:
- Make a girl/boy love you passionately.
- Recover a broken friendship.
- Get the best out of your children, increase their memory and study capabilities, and make them study harder.
- Change the bad and dark sides of your children’s or someone’s personality.
- Influence your boss to get an raise of you monthly salary or a promotion within the business.
- Make someone do something.
- Make someone stop molesting you.
- Maintain peace within the family or a job when problems come.
- Influence a job interviewer to hire you over the rest of candidates.
- Use it over your own photography for auto hypnosis purposes: loose weight, stop smoking, enhance your sexual life, remove your bad habits and enhance your natural skills.
- Any situation where you need to influence someone....
Tele Hypnosis Pro adds some amplification options that will accelerate the results, but basically the more difference between Tele hypnosis and Tele Hypnosis Pro is that now Tele Hypnosis Pro allows you to make full magick operations over a subject, and also, it’s very useful for self hypnosis purposes.
Radionic is known as the most innovative field of the esoterism, although it is not very new. Basically, radionics is a form of magick where the magician (called radionic operator) uses a series of modern tools to get his goals. This tools are usually electricity or computer devices, and even home appliances; a new type of magick, based on the radionic's knowledge uses refrigerators, ovens, microwaves, etc. Mainly, radionic is very similar to the traditional magick and also to voodoo.
The field of radionic that uses the computers is sometimes called "electronic magick" and it has shown to be the most powerful of all the radionics tools. Think of the millions of operations a computer performs in a second, the many times the screen is refreshed in a second, and the energy that all of that produces. It may look like what you see in the screen is virtual, but a correctly developed radionic program makes the computer calculate determined operations based in the numerology, gematry and sometimes the enokian language, liberating a big and powerful quantity of astral energy of a certain type. On top of that, the use of traditional powerful symbols, no matter if they are painted on a paper, grabbed on a mineral or showed in the screen of a computer, give out their own power that is added to the energy liberated by the computer. They are basically used to conduct the liberated energy to focus to a certain objective and also sometimes are used to involve superior intelligences (Angels, planetary spirits, etc), as the radionic operation acts as a form of getting their authorization to the magical operation that is being performed.
First of all, you need a radionic tool. It can be a traditional radionic machine built with potentiometers, cables, and a sample plate; it really works fine, but it is tedious, and the presence of the radionic operator is required all the time. Instead, you can use a radionic program, that also works fine like the radionic machine, and, best, the operator doesn't have to be in the front of the computer all the time. The operator only decides what he/she wants, chooses the sample of the goal and starts the program. Then he/she goes away and leaves the computer work on its own. The computer will take care of everything. That's another reason why computer radionic achieve goals in much less time than radionic machines. Nobody wants be in the front of a radionic machine concentrating many hours. Instead, a computer can be running a radionic program many hours a day while the radionic operator is shopping at the market!
Like voodoo or traditional magick, you need a sample of the person/animal/object desired goal, and in computer radionic, this sample will be usually a photo; the sample per excellence. Without a photo, you will be able to run the programs, but experience has shown to be less effective and take more time to get the desired results. Also, in some radionic programs, you will need the radionic index number of the person/animal/object. FIRST STEPS:
When you have installed the program, you will see some data and two executables (.exe) files in the program folder: one is rin.exe and the other is telehyp.exe. You will also find 3 folders named: photographies, sounds and datag. Important: The folder datag must never be changed.
First of all, you must get a photograph of the person you wish to influence in jpg or bmp format. The size of the photograph does not matter. You must keep all the photographs in the folder named 'photographies' within the folder of the program. If you don't have a photograph of the person you wish to influence, you must make a drawing of the person using whatever painting or drawing program, and save it as bmp or jpg format in the 'photographies' folder'. Use better symbolic drawings rather than realistical. Use symbols and words within the drawing that represent the person.
If you have already a photograph or drawing of the person, you need to save an audio command as wav file. All the wav audio command files must be kept in the 'sounds' folder. The process of saving an audio command is very important. Before saving, you must concentrate well on the person and on what you want him/her to do. Avoid doubts and hesitations. Write the message first, and then save the audio file. All your feelings and thoughts will be also saved with the file, so be careful and concentrate well, without any type of doubts or negative feelings. This is the only moment where your attitude is important. Also, if you want to influence two persons with the same message, your should save two wav files. Each one concentrated on each person. Never use the same audio command file for two different persons, as you will mix influences among them. In general, audio commands, like written commands, must be imperative (See the paragraph about 'Previous study of the subject').
Note: You can use the program without audio command, but it is not recommendable if you want to get the most effectiveness.
Now, you have the photo/drawing and the audio command. Now you need the Radionic Index Number of the person. The radionic Index Number is a 3 digits number (For example: 756) that is the key and heart of radionics. This number is like a backdoor to the astral body of the person and is processed by the program in conjunction with the written message using an ingenious math algorithm developed by the author of the program and based on ancient numerology and the Sacred Qabalistic Gematry. It works like making the mind of the person like an open door to the influences you send to him/her.
To find the Radionic Index Number (R.I.N.) of the person, you must execute the rin.exe file.
You can choose one of two methods: one is a random method, where you must first concentrate on the photo of the person, press a key, and the computer will give you the r.i.n; or you can use the manual method, concentrating on the photography of the person, and with the help of the mouse, find the r.i.n. of the person. The manual method takes some time to master, so for first uses, you will probably prefer to use the random method.
After using one or other method, you can save the r.i.n. and comments for later uses (The r.i.n's are saved on to a file named: rinbook.txt. The file is created after the first r.i.n. is saved. Do not delete this file). If you don't save the r.i.n., you should write it on a piece of paper.
Note: Always use the same r.i.n. for the same person.
Now, you can enter tele hypnosis folder and execute the file telehyp.exe. You will see the screen to select the photo of the subject person. All the photos showed are the ones save in the 'photographies' folder. Choose the photo you want pressing enter, or press 'a' to advance to the next photo.
Later, you must input the r.i.n. of the person. You can decide to input it manually, if you have it written on paper, or use the r.i.n. obtained from the previous version of tele hypnosis, or the r.i.n. obtained from a traditional radionic machine. You can use also the R.I.N. Book, where you choose the r.i.n. you want.
After that, you have to select the audio command for the subject. You will hear the first audio command from the 'sounds folder'; if you want to use this one, press the key 'enter'; if you want to hear other audio commands you have in the 'sounds folder', press the key 'a' to advance.
Note: there is a default sound named 'default.wav' that may be used as default sound if you don't have yet audio command saved. This sound is designed to enhance the power of influence, but it is recommended to use your own audio command.
Finally, you must enter the written message (see 'previous study of the subject'). You have 4 lines to write the message, but you don't have to use all the lines if you don't need them; simply press enter.
Enter the name of the operator (your own name or magick alias if you have one)
You are now in the main screen.
First of all, you must choose the colors of the two frames, moving up or down the red, green and blue colors from each frame, from 0 to 255 to get the desired color of each frame. See the color part to find out some of the colors uses. Also, frequency must be chosen. See the frequency part for explanations.
Once ready, you must press the bottom 'begin transmission'. The program will start to do the influencing. You must leave the room then, and let the program alone sending influences. You can do anything you want in the meantime. Also, you must avoid someone else to be in front of the computer while operating. Nobody must be in the front of the computer while running the program.
Note: About the question if you can turn off the screen while running the program, neither the original author or me have tested it. However, some users have reported that the program runs very efficiently, as if the screen was on.
Note:This Is a Windows Only Software.
RECENT NOTE: Confirmed, the monitor can be turned off and the program will be succesful as with the monitor turned on.